Feel better today.

Find out how emotional freedom technique can help you.

You’re probably not here because you are interested in EFT and matrix reimprinting but probably because you hope I can help.

Well you are in luck because help is what I am here to do. I want to help you with your problems (even if you are the kind of person who doesn’t like to admit when you have a problem), I want to help you feel better. In fact it’s my mission to make you feel better. It’s not in my interest to judge, no matter how big or small, how new or old your problem is, I am here to help. It’s going to be okay. We will take this one step at a time. The goal is to ease your pain without causing you any further pain, so I assure you the gentle techniques I use are designed with you in mind. To get the best results with the least amount of pain.

You know that feeling, when either a time or situation in life becomes overwhelming, like you have a grey cloud around you that prevents you from thinking clearly, it weighs heavy on you but you don’t know how to get rid of it. I help you get rid of it, I help you gain back your clear thinking and sense of self, your decision making power and your worth. Now I want to be clear, I cannot do your healing for you but I can create the safe space and compassion for your healing to take place. I am on your side.

About Ellie.

My name is Ellie Meade, I am an EFT and matrix reimprinting practitioner among other things such as Acro yoga teacher and animal lover.

My own struggles and issues brought me to this work and the results it brings keeps me here.

Having been in the hot seat many time myself through various different modalities and shedding many tears. I understand how vulnerable it can feel to seek help outside of yourself and close friends. I have felt the gut wrenching pain of accepting that a part of my life and who I am needs to heal and I alone will not be able to do that. I need help to navigate and overcome this. I thought I had lost the battle but I would soon realise that this is where the battle is won. This is when the really deep healing can occur. I didn’t have to go it alone as I thought. Which to be honest I now find a bit ironic because one of my most challenging negative beliefs I had about myself was “I am a burden” so naturally enough I would have resistance in asking for help, I didn’t want to burden anyone!

I’m not going to lie to you, I did not choose this work. It chose me. I tried to avoid it for many years and work in a mainstream field or hide out with my horses. But there was no getting away from it, this work is my calling. I am here on earth to help you. To help you feel better about yourself or your situation. I have a repertoire of tools and experience to help you on your journey. I’m here for you.

I have a deep rooted desire to travel or maybe just be in a sunny location, which means currently my time is divided between Ireland my home and Bali my paradise. Because of this I predominately work online which actually has far more pros than cons. I can work with wonderful people from all over the world, it’s actually more effective online as I feel we have less vulnerabilities through a laptop screen. On top of that my clients get to be in their own home or safe place with their favourite hot beverage in their comfy clothes. I don’t have to commute to a workspace so I can actually fit more people who need my help into my schedule.

What happens in an EFT and Matrix Reimprinting session?

We meet online via zoom, we have a quick sound and video check.

I’ll ask you some questions about what’s going on for you.

We will do some EFT tapping and investigate the issue further. If you are not familiar with tapping we will use this time to get you use to how it works.

When we have more information about the issue and get closer to the root of it we can then move into the matrix reimprinting part.

It might not seem obvious to everyone but with EFT and Matrix Reimprinting we are working with energy. We work with the energy of the issue. The energy is what gives us more information. We tune in with the energy and we get the energy to take us back to the root of the issue.

Most of our root issues actually started from when we were zero to six. This is because of the sponge like state our brain is in when we are developing. We create these core beliefs about ourselves and through the law of attraction we spend the rest of our lives proving them to ourselves. This is all good and well if your core beliefs are something positive like “everything works out for me” or “money comes to me easily” however for a lot of people this is not the case. We are more likely to end up with beliefs like “I’m not good enough”, ‘I’m a burden”, “I never have enough money”, “I’m not lovable” or “I’m not wanted”.

In matrix we go back to the day the belief was created. Now I know what you’re thinking, “I don’t remember what happened in my life before I was six, no one does!”

Not to worry, this is where the energy comes in. We are tuning in with and following the energy to the right place. We don’t need to pull these memories from our logic mind. In fact our logic mind doesn’t want us to see these memories Why? Because they are traumatic. Let me just briefly explain my use of the word trauma.

There are big T traumas and there are little t traumas. Typically big T traumas are formed when something physical happens like a car crash or physical abuse. Little t traumas are usually formed from emotional upsets. Big T or little t they can still have a huge affect on us either way. It’s not always as obvious with the emotional traumas how much of an effect they have had. When a trauma happens the echo (younger self) is stuck in a fight, flight or freeze response.

So back to the matrix part, when we establish what memory we are working with, I will prep you for the work we are going to around the memory. We want to establish the negative belief that was created that day and effectively erase it. To be very clear here we never want to deny what happened happened but we do want to do whatever is necessary for our younger self (echo) to release the trauma and form a new positive belief. To do this we will do some tapping on your younger self (echo) and if necessary we might tap on some other people in the memory. When we have found resolution in the memory and your younger self (echo) is fully content with a new positive belief about themselves, we will then go onto reimprint the new positive memory and integrate to your body and energy field. This causes big shifts that will be felt for some time beyond the session. It is very empowering to be the person helping your younger self.